Attitude of Gratitude

Every so often it makes sense to whip up a list of things that fill me with a sense of gratitude. These are on the top of today’s list.

1) I am glad my dentist is not Dr. Orly Taitz, the queen of the birthers who lives in a meaningless and irrational world totally of her own making.

2) I am grateful that it wasn’t at all hip to get a tattoo when I was in my teens.

Oh. William and Kate. Nearly life-size. That's something.

3) I am happy that no one I know is selling Tupperware at home parties any more.

4) I am very grateful that someone else dug up the garden and all I need to do is figure out what to plant.

5) I’m so pleased that my wallet was on the floor of my car rather than left on the counter at Starbucks.

6) And – I’m thankful that I will never have to call Goodwill to haul away a commemorative refrigerator.


A friend e-mailed me on the fly to let me know, if I didn’t already, that a mutual acquaintance had died.

That’s awful, I thought.  The three of us had worked on a number of projects over the years and we had a healthy friendship. The last time I had seen her, she was as enthusiastic and energetic as ever.

Goes to show you, I thought glumly as I pulled up the obituary online.

I read through the first paragraph and stopped and started again. The name was right.  And yes, our friend’s husband had already died but I was pretty sure his name was George, not Henry.  And she did have children but not Jack and Harry; she had 2 daughters, Lucille and Darlene.

Wellll – it wasn’t who we thought it was. I scrolled down and saw a very nice note; it was from the friend who had e-mailed.

She offered sympathy to the family and then reminisced about the deceased. She mentioned her generosity, her kindness and how flat-out hilarious she was when she entertained troops dressed as Chucky Chipmunk. She went on to say something about her never being forgotten by all the hundreds she had dazzled over the years.

I couldn’t help but think the deceased was laughing her head off, I sure was.

Thanks, Phoebe

It’s a Sunday twilight in a coming-together apartment in the middle of a middle-of-the-road town. Two young women are sitting at an oak dining room table drinking gin and orange juice ladled from a pink plastic bowl sitting between them.

“Ok, ok –let’s try it again,” one says to the other. “We almost had it nailed that time.”

“Yeah, we’re close, really terribly, terribly close,” her friend answers while reaching over and flipping on the repeat button.

The two sing along all the way to the end. “Let’s do it just one more time…”

Man Up, Bug

Way to go Volkswagen.

2002 Beetle

All this hoo-rah-rah about the new generation Beetle is not going down all that well in some quarters. My 2002 Beetle, for instance, is building a steady head of steam with all the talk about more sporty, more dynamic and more masculine.

“Oh, yeah” –the conversation goes at a stoplight when abreast another Bug, “so who CARES about a lower profile, a longer hood and a steeper windshield?”

2012 New Beetle

“Ha, they think that’s a big fat difference?”

“Right,” spits the other car.  “And engine-smidgen, I’m already turbo-charged. Let me at ’em on a straight away! And what’s this about a Spoiler? Any Junker can have a spoiii–leer. I can hardly believe my own ears.”

“More Power, less Flower, my tail-pipe!” my car grumbles loudly as the light turns green.

“See you around,” the other car yells turning left into the intersection. “By the way, love the daisy on your dash.” “Thanks,” my car smiles cheerfully as we drive straight ahead. “I got it at Costco, a great place for flowers.”

Easter Twenty-Eleven

There are thousands of great renditions of Peter Rabbit and his kin!

Here’s one that could be one of my favorites — Rory, an 11 x 14 print for $35.00 from HamjArt located in the Canary Islands near Spain.

I found it on Etsy, the global all-things craft site. Narrow your search — otherwise you will be over-whelmed and give up before you find what you want. I used rabbit paintings.

Hey, have a good hare day.

Hope Springs a Turtle

Last year, I didn’t get around to putting in a garden. Oh, you know –this and that caught up with me. And before I knew it my carefully plotted out garden was over-run and out of control.

I am not going to let that happen this year. I hired someone to clean it out early this week.  Here it is (from the window of the upstairs spare bedroom) after the clean-up; today it was warm and dry enough to get the soil ready so I’m now ready to plant.

I’m planning a combo of vegetables, herbs and flowers. Mostly I want to see if I can get some really good vine ripe tomatoes.  And I want to look out the window at sturdy little marigolds, cheerful cosmos and hardy moss rose. I want to cut cilantro for tacos and make basil pesto.

Let someone else take care of Versailles.


I CONFESS,  I bought a small electric appliance that only does One thing on the very eve of Earth Day. So crucify me.

(Oh, c’mon — just kiddin’.) 

It came today via Big Brown.

It’s a Zoku pop maker, and yes,  I do plan to “explore an entire world of delicious frosty treats that will magically freeze before my eyes.”

The Zoku is filled with the same kind of liquid found in ice cream makers. Freeze the base, insert popsicle sticks , pour in the ingredients and wait for a short time for a freeze.  

Use some kind of sweet liquid, juice-based, kool-aid or what-have-you,  add some fruit and you’re done. Look at these results. It’s this picture that convinced me that I had to have it. 

I do admit– it doesn’t make a lot, three at a time, so it’s best to plan ahead so you have enough.   

I plan to experiment. I plan to make this a very well used appliance. Maybe even  a Zoku blog. Let me know if you buy one — we’ll chat about it.

Zee Whiz

As the world’s top fashion designers sashay their versions of glam and the good life center stage, everyone shudders in anticipation and excitement.

Christian Dior shows a bold leopard print after five dress that swishes and purrs at every step. The off the shoulder look is an engineering feat that mesmerizes and intrigues.

This confection by Lanvin for H & M embraces a zebra print in an explosively stylish head to toe look that is best worn with attitude along with elbow length black leather gloves.

Best of show goes to Zedonk with the unusual combination of downy browny fur and some spicy black and white tights. It’s a perfect outfit for two pairs of peep-through spring flats.

The Last Supper

Julie Green paints final meal requests from death row inmates onto ceramic plates. She calls her project, The Last Supper. So far she has completed 450 plates and plans to paint 50 more each year until capital punishment is abolished in the US.  

A Google search for “last meals death row” came up with 375,000 results. Morbid fascination with those who are on death row evidently extends to their favorite foods. A serial killer seems even more ominous when you learn he or she wants a cheeseburger, shake and fries at the end.

In practice, inmates can request anything they would like for a final meal but many states limit it to what can be prepared on site.

Green believes last meal requests can offer a lot of clues about the personality, background and economic level of inmates. And that in turn, leads to questions about failures in the judicial system. “There is a lot of red meat, few lobsters, no sushi and no Godiva chocolate.”

The Last Supper offers a lot of food for thought during Holy Week.


This boat and its little companion were docked in the marina in Nanaimo, BC. This is a charmer of a harbour city on Departure Bay on the east coast of Vancouver Island.

The town is the birthplace of Canada’s Favorite Confection, the Nanaimo Bar. If you never tasted one, you are in for a really sweet treat. It’s a 3 layer cookie bar: the bottom is a crumb-based layer, the middle a vanilla or custard flavored butter icing and the top is chocolate.

The city ran a contest for the best recipe and put it on their website. I wouldn’t make it unless I had a lot of guests ’cause I’m pretty certain I’d eat every one of them.