Tag: Mata Hari

Pam Am – I Yam

I tuned in last night to see what the buzz was about.

I see a cluster of tightly clothed, young, smiling stewardesses, a gaggle of attractive flyboys and lots of well-heeled passengers hurtling through space in a sleek Pam Am airplane. Admittedly, I haven’t been here since the launch so am a bit behind in the story lines. Best I could figure out …

Stewardess A has discovered she is not in love with the love of her life and has to figure out how to retrieve the engagement ring she pawned which ended up in a Jazz Joint in Harlem, aided unwillingly by an endearing but socially inept junior pilot.

Stewardess B is about the business of attaching herself to an intriguing well-dressed foreign passenger because that is what she does.

Stewardess C is a pool shark and some kind of an informant to a quasi American government type who rocks a fedora. Her assignment is to snag the fingerprints of a Mata Hari who hangs out at a Monte Carlo casino.

Oh, and then the innocent young captain of the plane is seduced by a passenger who turns out to be the calculating mistress of a blustery Pam Am executive who has a fit when anyone puts their greasy fingerprints on his red jaguar.

So, see you next week.