Too Good 2 Miss

My father would occasionally ask me if I wanted to go on a trip. I always wanted to go especially if it meant leaving my siblings behind. It took me a couple of times to realize we did not have the same notions on travel.

He’d pull out the photo albums he had painstakingly put together. And we would go, say – to Paris. He not only liked taking pictures when he traveled, he enjoyed tearing apart the guidebooks and pasting lengthy descriptions of all of the sights he did not want to forget.

Boy, talk about a yawn.

He did not live long enough to see the wonders of the information age, which is too bad cause he would have loved the armchair travel. A cyberspace trip to see the Monet Exhibit in Paris would have blown him away. Tip: this may take a little while to load — be patient, it is So worth it.