
Sig insists on putting peanut butter in the refrigerator. And I really hate that. It is some kind of germ-phobe thing as if peanuts are salmonella carriers. (If they are, fine — just don’t share it with me. Please.) 

My point, thank you very much, is that peanut butter is born to be spreadable. Yes, spreadability is an intrinsic positive attribute of even the least expensive brand.   

Lower the knife to the jar and with one deft motion dip-and-swipe into the peanut butter. There is no resistance, no struggle, no hefty lifting. The loaded knife comes up triumphantly headed toward the bread. 

Once there it hovers as long as you like until a singular swoop-and-swipe motion completes the exchange.  In quick order, lunch is made and I am out the door.

I bought two jars of peanut butter today, only one went in the refrigerator. Free at last.