Hello World!

Whether you have stumbled upon this site or came here being “of sound mind and body” or maybe “not so sound mind and sound body”, welcome. This is where I intend to hang out occasionally and I’m feeling pretty good about it. Mostly, I am feeling good about it because I have been researching and researching blog sites in Preparation for doing this. Now, that part is over. Seems to me it went on for years. Now, I have a domain. Just like the big dogs.

I don’t think I would be expected to share too much insight on the first post, do you? Yeah, filling out a profile was bad enough. One of the things I might want to work on is that the first draft does not have to be the last draft — as that propensity has caused me a great deal of needless work in my life. I think I’ll explore the site a little and see what features I want to add.