
I first started wearing glasses in the 6th grade. I remember I walked home after picking them up from the eye place. It was a sunny, fall day. I zig-zagged along twisting and turning my head to catch all of the things I had been missing.

The trees were as crisp as paper cut-outs, shadows were parts dark black and hazy grey and leaves floated lazily into bright red, orange and yellow heaps. I flipped my glasses onto my forehead to marvel at the difference they made.

Well, truth be known — I probably didn’t marvel, after all, this was sixth grade.  No doubt, I just thought over and over, How cool is this? I love these glasses.

Ever since then, it has thrilled me no end to buy a new pair of glasses. I think my new pair makes me look quite scholarly even though not many have noticed.

That’s okay, I am old enough now to marvel at the difference all by myself.